Assalamualaikum W.B.T. 😉 and hi to all readers 🌷. Alhamdulillah and thanks 😙😙😙 for being given a chance to write a blog for the second ✌ time. This time, my friend 👩 and I 👧 will write ✏ about the first ☝week in class 🎒as accounting students 💱

First and foremost, we go to college 🏡🏡🏡 by KPTM bus 🚌 🚌🚌. On our first ☝☝☝ day, we are very excited because it is the first ☝☝☝ day of our learning 📖📖📖 seasons for June taking students 🙅🙅🙅. The first ☝ class on our first day ☝ is Accounting class (PFA1123). Madam Haslina  👸 who is teaching us. She is very kind but very strict 😡😡😡 person. The first things that we do in her class is wrote a biodata 📝📝📝 about ourselves. The next ➡ class is Fundamentals of Management (PMG1123). Madam Aniss 👸 who is kind and funny 😂 is teaching us on this subject. 

The second ✌✌✌ days, we met a new lecturer 🙆🙆🙆 ,  Encik Saiful 👤 who is teaching us about Pengajian Malaysia (PMU2163). It was very interesting subject because we can know about our Malaysian 💖💖💖 history. The next class is English class (HPE1043). Madam Munirah 👸 who is very corncern and always ask the whole class if we are okay 👌👌👌 or not 👎👎👎 .After two ✌ hours, we continued studied 📖📖📖 Pengucapan Awam 💁(MPU2223). The lecturer who is teaching us is Madam Hidayah 👸 .

The third ✌☝ day, we met Madam Basharoh 👸 who is teaching us about Business Mathematics 📐📏(TBM1063). We enjoyed 😆😄😙 most of our class and lecturers because it is easy to interact 💭💭💭 to each other. Last but not least, we are not regret 👐👐👐 to study in KPTMAS 🏢🏢🏢 .Thats all for today. Thank you  🌹🌹🌹 for reading our blog 💻💻💻. Assalamualaikum W.B.T. 😊

This is our pictures 😎😱😛
